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Hospital and Clinic Sanitation

Standard terminal cleaning of hospital rooms is a fundamental infection prevention process performed by the environment of care staff. It is defined as physical cleaning followed by disinfection with an approved hospital disinfectant. Alternative disinfection technology ZOE Safe produces a cidal activity 50 to 100 times that of household bleach, addressing growing resistance issues of standard terminal cleaning agents.

Hospital Sanitaion

ZOE Safe can be used to sanitize all contact surfaces in the hospital including patient rooms, hospital beds, chairs, medical equipment and instruments, nursing stations, surgery rooms, floors, and bathrooms. ZOE Safe can be used to sanitize stethoscopes, blood pressure cuffs, and other medical instruments between patients.

ZOE Safe is a solution of mixed oxidants of which the primary oxidant is electrolytically generated hypochlorous acid, an antimicrobial that has been recognized by the CDC in their guidelines for disinfection and sterilization. Being that hypochlorous acid is a strong oxidant that is stable in solution, it can be applied through many applications, either directly, through spray bottles, or fogging.

Clinic Sanitation

ZOE Safe is an ideal antimicrobial for medical and dental clinics because it is safe, all-natural, and effective. ZOE Safe does not cause skin or respiratory irritation and satisfies the demand for implementing safer and more natural alternatives to toxic chemicals.


Standard terminal cleaning of hospital rooms is a fundamental infection prevention process performed by the environment of care staff. It is defined as physical cleaning followed by disinfection with an approved hospital disinfectant. Monitoring consistency of this process, however, is difficult and not assured. There can be as many variations of the process as there is staff performing the task. It is not unusual that significant residual bacteria are left in place. Alternative disinfection technology utilizing a product derived from saline and electricity, “super oxidized water,” produces a cidal activity 50 to 100 times that of household bleach, addressing growing resistance issues of standard terminal cleaning agents. ZOE Safe, produces an efficient disinfecting adjunct to standard terminal cleaning and provides many advantages in optimizing infection prevention in the hospital environment. The wand spray device distributes the product in a sequential back and forth motion producing a uniform distribution of the powder Hcoating to all areas of the environment. Due to the neutral pH of the Hypochlorous acid, it is non-toxic, does not leave residue on environmental surfaces, and is not corrosive to hospital equipment as traditional bleach and phenolics have long demonstrated.