Restaurant Sanitation
ZOE Safe can replace all chemical sanitizers in restaurants such as quaternary ammonium (Quats), peroxide based chemicals, and chlorine bleach for table , chairs and kitchen set ups including toilets.
ZOE Safe is safe and effective as a no-rinse sanitizer on food products. There are no harmful residues, no alterations in taste, no odors, and no discolorations.
Meat, Poultry, Fruits, Vegetables and Produce
Hypochlorous acid is approved by the FDA and USDA as a safe and suitable no-rinse antimicrobial for meat and poultry. ZOE Safe is safe and effective to disinfect row food like fruits, vegetables, meat, fish … etc.

Kitchen Areas and Cutting Boards
ZOE Safe can be used to clean and sanitize all equipment, food preparation areas, and cutting boards. In the kitchen also can be used to sanitize kitchenware, pots, and pans.
Hypochlorous acid is approved by the EPA for use on food contact surfaces at concentrations as high as 200 ppm. ZOE Safe does not require food to be put away or covered prior to sanitation therefore allowing it to be used throughout the day, especially during peak hours when the risk of cross-contamination is highest.
A common route for bacteria entering the kitchen from the outside is through the soles of shoes. Stepping into ZOE Safe prior to entering the kitchen can decrease the introduction of microbial pathogens.
ZOE Safe is safe and non-irritant and can be used by employees for hand sanitation.
Tables, Bars, and Glass Cleaning
ZOE Safe can be used to clean and sanitize all eating areas, tables, and bars and all food contact surfaces as a no-rinse sanitizer. It can also replace all chemical glass cleaners.